Feb 2022
I have two friends who both had some difficult years. In fact they both say there were many times they didn’t have enough money to buy their children a Happy Meal. Both of these people have come through the bad times but they took different lessons from their ordeals. One hoards all her money, never giving to any charity, she says she worked hard and she is going to keep it. The other gives away a lot each year, she says people helped her when she had it hard and she is now going to “pay it forward” and help others.
What does scripture say about this? 2 Samuel tells us about David. He was King of Israel, living a privileged life in the palace; 2 Samuel 9:1, “David asked, ‘Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?’” Jonathan was King Saul’s son and a friend to David.
As happenstance would have it there was a relative of Saul still alive; 2 Samuel 9:3, “There is still a son of Jonathan; he is lame in both feet.” When David heard this he immediately sent for him and had him brought to the palace. When Mephibosheth was brought before him David said, “…I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan.
All of us have times in our lives where we are having difficult times, times when we need a hand up. Maybe it will be like my friend whose family was dissolving and she was faced with financial, emotional and spiritual hardship. It could be simply a flat tire and someone stops to help.
There was a time in my life where I was in a similar situation. An acquaintance gave me some furniture he had in his basement; he didn’t want anything for it but told me that when I could he wanted me to “pay it forward.” I have never forgotten his kindness and have tried to honor his gift to me.
Jesus went to the cross out of love for us for no other reason than our benefit. We do him honor when we remember the great kindness he showed us in our dealings with others. I tell people about Collie because I am grateful for his kindness. I tell people about Jesus because I am beyond grateful for what he did for me so I can be redeemed.
I think Jesus had this in mind when he said “Love your neighbor as yourself.” To respond to our neighbor with the love Jesus is talking about we need to remember those times when we needed someone to love us in this way. By remembering those kindnesses we can respond with similar kindness to someone else.
David remembered Jonathan’s kindness and responded in kind to Mephibosheth. When we remember the kindness showed to us by friends, acquaintances and total strangers, we can respond in the same manor. When we remember the love Jesus gave each of us at the cross, we can love our neighbor with the same fervor as Jesus loves us.
The grace and peace of our Lord Jesus be with you,
Pastor Jim