
A page dedicated to keep our fellowship informed and connected

Newest announcements at top of list.

CRAFT VENDORS WANTED for Sept 13, 2025 Craft Sale/Show 9 - 3. 

                                                        $25 per 10 x 10 booth.

                                                        Arrive & set up at 8 am take down & out by 4 pm.

                                                        Contact Barbara at 845-246-3763 - Leave Message

I want to personally thank all those who donated their time to work on our church projects during our church family work days. Your time and efforts are a blessing to us all, may you also be blessed by your willingness to give your time and work.

Pastor Jim

Blessed church family and friends,

Starting on Sunday November 7th, 2021 we will be moving our service time to 11am.

This was passed at the recent congregational meeting and is to accommodate our new organist

who will be starting shortly after this change takes place.

May the peace, love and grace of our Lord be with you always,

Pastor Jim

Dear family and friends,

               Our church is continuing to move forward. We have started our fellowship hour with coffee and refreshments on the first Sunday of the month. We have begun our Sunday school classes so our children will know Christ, see God and rely on the Holy Spirit. We are holding a confirmation class so our teens can mature in their faith and become full members in our church and fellowship.

               We are now moving toward the fall and winter seasons. This means the return of flu season, and COVID is still among us.

               We are committed to worshiping together as God directs us to. Through shared fellowship we lift each other up and develop a deeper faith through shared time together.

               We are also committed to keeping each other safe and healthy. To this end we will continue to abide by health department suggestions and directives. Where we desire to see each of you every week we respectfully ask that you monitor your own health and refrain from attending service if you have a fever. For your protection hand sanitizer and masks will continue to be provided for your use if you need them.

               Your walk with God and your life with Christ are my utmost concern. Along with this please know your health is also a deep concern of mine. Please understand none of this is to make anyone uncomfortable or to keep you away. It is a sincere desire to keep us all healthy so we can continue as one family in Christ and one church for God.

I pray the love, peace and blessing of our Almighty God be upon you always,

Pastor Jim 

Our Bible class is now on hiatus for the summer. If there is interest, we will begin again in September.

God bless you, enjoy your summer.

Welcome to the 1st Congregational Church in Saugerties, NY. we are a worshiping covenant of believers who are working on ourselves and working for God's Kingdom in our community, both local and at large. Please explore our site. Come back often as sermons, inspirational verses and information is added continuously. May the peace, glory and rest of our Lord Christ Jesus be with you.

God bless,

Pastor Jim

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