April 2023
Spring has finally arrived. The promise of long days and warm nights. A time of plenty. The air filled with the perfume of flowers. Where we live spring coincides with Easter and it’s no surprise that the symbols of spring have come to represent Easter; flowers, young animals like sheep and rabbits and eggs, all representing the promises of a new life. Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday show us the new life all mankind has in Christ. The symbols we associate with these days represent the promises of this new life.
The melting snow, the buds on the trees, the blooming of tulips and other spring flowers all show us the end of winter, the end of short days and long cold nights, the promise of spring and summer. The cross shows us the end of sin’s control of our lives. It shows us the closing of the chasm between God and ourselves. It shows us the promise of life in God’s presence and the forgiveness of our transgressions.
“For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law,
but under grace.” (Romans 6:14)
As spring advances, we see the promise of the days of summer. The promise of relaxing evenings, walks on the beach or in the mountains, time with friends and family, even vacations. Easter morning shows us the promises of God. The stone is rolled away, the law and our sin cannot confine us in death any longer. The tomb is empty, our future is eternal in heaven. The burial cloths are left behind; the pain, disease, trouble and hurts of this world are left behind.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
(John 16:33)
May this Easter season work in your hearts. May you see the future it opens for you. And may the glory of God be with you always,
Pastor Jim