September 2023
“I will bless the Lord at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
Psalm 34:1
David wrote this, one of his most powerful psalms during one of the most challenging and difficult times in his life. He was on the run from King Saul and obliged to grovel before the king of Gath. And now he is hiding in a cave, fearful for his life.
It is now, during his darkest hour, we can see David indulging in self-pity, condemnation, and turning from God. “God, you anointed me to be king of Israel and here I am hiding in a cave hoping to avoid being found out by Saul and his army. You have caused my life to be subjugated by my enemies, void of your blessings.”
“I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth.”
Despite the uncertainty, despite the distress, despite the fear, David chose to praise the Lord even in these most dire of circumstances. And God in his faithfulness, delivered David to fulfill his destiny.
Do you believe God loves you and is faithful to you? It doesn’t matter if you are fearful, if you are distressed, if you are discontented, praise God. Believe what is right. Believe that when you worship the Lord, in his faithfulness he will hear you and lead you to your destiny. Whatever the pain, whatever the fear, whatever the circumstances, praise God openly and always.
“Father, I am distressed by the circumstances of my life, I am fearful of what may be happening, yet I know you say you will always be with me, and I know you cannot lie. Lord, whatever is happening, whatever may happen, I will praise you. I will worship you. I will thank you for your love, your presence, and your grace. Give me your strength Lord, and I will face what will come, and always will you be in my vison, always will your name be on my lips. Praise be to you Father. Amen”
Believe and you will be uplifted,
Pastor Jim