October 2022
When you read John’s Gospel you will notice he calls himself “the disciple whom Jesus loved.” This is a curious thing. Is he trying to tell us Jesus loved him more than the others? Is he more special among those original followers of Jesus? No, this would be a strange theme in a Gospel full of Christ’s model of humility and self sacrifice. Thinking he is in a better position with Jesus than the others goes against the lessons of humility he is trying to get across.
I believe he calls himself the “disciple whom Jesus loved” as his way of telling us the truth of this for all disciples, all of Christ’s followers.
Who are you? What is your identity? Most importantly, how do you think of yourself? If someone asks you who you are, what is your answer? My name is Jim; I’m a Pastor, a father, a husband, a son. In many ways my identity is determined by family and occupation. Ask John who he is and he does not answer by giving his name, his family connections or his occupation. Ask John who he is and he responds with, “I am someone Jesus loves.”
Jesus finds his identity “in the bosom of the Father.” (John 1:18) John finds who he is by “leaning on Jesus bosom.” (John 13:23) John tells us across the centuries that it is the same for us. In this same way we are to find our identity not in what we do or who our family is, but in Jesus love for us.
Jesus loves us; or we may think of it as the father’s love is given to us through Jesus. This is the source of our identity. Next time someone asks you who you are, answer with “I am a disciple, loved by Jesus,” answer with “I am a child of God.”
Jesus is the source of our motivation in life. That which we do daily should be motivated by and as an expression of God’s love for us. Our work, however humble or exalted it may appear in other’s estimation, should be the place in our lives where our love and devotion for God is on display. That which we do in the world becomes living parables of the love and glory of God.
Who are you? You are a child of the Most High God. Who are you? You are the disciple who Jesus loves.
May the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you always,
Pastor Jim