November 2021
The Old Testament book of 1 Samuel chapter 16 recounts the story of David being anointed King of Israel and there are a couple of things for us to see in this account.
When the prophet Samuel went to Jesse’s house to anoint one of his sons as king, Jesse brought to Samuel his seven eldest sons, he did not even present David. 1 Samuel16: 11, “…’Are all your sons here?’ And he said, ‘There remains yet the youngest.’” Jesse didn’t see the future and gifts God gave David.
God has a plan and a destiny for each one of us. It may not always look like we are the most qualified but don’t sell yourself short, God knows what he is doing. When I started studying at seminary I had several people tell me “you can’t be a minister, what do you know?” Like Jesse saw his son as he was, just a young shepherd, not what God could raise him to, these people saw me as what I was, someone whose faith was on the periphery of my life and not who God could raise me to. When others doubt your ability remember God will raise you.
1 Samuel chapter 17 is the story of David and Goliath. David was sent to bring food to his brothers on a great battlefield. While there he saw Goliath taunting the army of Israel. When he decided to fight Goliath David’s brothers accused him of being inferior, even King Saul said, “You are not able to go against this Philistine…for you are but a youth.” (1 Samuel 17:33) David replied “Your servant has struck down both lions and bears, and this Philistine shall be like one of them…” (1 Samuel 17:36)
Others had little hope in David. They tried to dissuade him from what he knew to be God’s direction. In our lives there will always be those who don’t see the promise in us, don’t see our abilities. We must be like David. We must look into ourselves, see our abilities, see God working in us, be confident in his leading. We should not let others dictate our behavior or work.
Last, it is vital to note that after David was anointed King and prevailed in this great battle, he went back to being a shepherd. David went back to the fields, he later was feared and despised by Saul and was chased across the desert.
David was destined to be king, but it was on God’s timetable. Sometimes we feel we have a destiny yet it seems as if obstacles keep being put in front of us. Remember that God knows what and when the right time is. When God directs your steps no one can stop his plan for you.
Take time to read of David. We can relate to his life’s ups and downs. We can take courage from his story because we can see ourselves in it. We can see struggles in life and yet be assured of God’s leading in our life.
God bless you,
Pastor Jim