May 2022
I was reading in the Old Testament Book of Job. The author is unknown although some believe it to be Moses. Regardless, the book is included because God has imbedded in it messages for us. As I read these passages I found five subjects for us to understand.
Job did not commit any sin that caused his suffering, he was innocent. Why then did he suffer? As believers we are innocent, our sins are not held against us, they are forgiven and forgotten. Why then do we suffer? Job represents the truth that innocent people suffer. God doesn’t promise us perfection if we believe. Even Jesus suffered. He suffered the pain of loss over his friend Lazarus. He suffered the abandonment of his disciples. He suffered the pain of the cross. Suffering is a part of our life experience.
Job questioned God. As Christians we can approach God directly to communicate the things in our lives that are going good. We can also be honest and intimate with God about what is not going well in our lives. Job did not hide his trouble and he spoke openly to God.
“If I have sinned, what have I done to you…” (Job 7:20) Job prays for understanding over his trouble. “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me…” (Psalm 23:4) The Psalm tells us we will face problems and yet God is always with us. We may pray for God to remove our trouble but it would be better to ask God for understanding over our circumstances and for him to show his presence to us in our trouble.
Job’s friends did nothing to help; in fact they blame Job for his own troubles. This helps us to see that as believers we may seek out the council of other. While they may mean good no one can understand God’s ways and no one should speak for him. Comments like “it must be God’s plan,” or “you did something to cause God to punish you” are not helpful and must be ignored.
One thing that must be understood however is that at times we do create our own problems. We must look at our trouble honestly and if it is self inflicted we can ask God to help us to correct our mistake.
Job was restored. Job eventually received more than he had before his trouble began. This is true for believers as well. It may not be in this life but as believers our hope and strength lies in the reality of the next life. God promises us eternity in paradise in his presence.
Job kept his faith. In the entire book Job prayed, struggled and eventually overcame. Job never stopped having a relationship with God. This shows us that no matter our circumstances, maintaining our faith is always a possibility. Whether we are physically, emotionally or spiritually stricken, we can keep our trust in God. Our trust in the cross opens the path to our ultimate deliverance.
Job shows us that even the innocent suffer, it is part of life. He also shows us God never abandons us in our trouble and as the faithful we will be restored. Finally, trust in God gives us the strength to bear our suffering.
Pastor Jim