June 2023
The Old Testament includes an account of Nehemiah, and his story can teach us valuable lessons. Nehemiah was not a religious leader. He was a cup bearer to king Artaxerxes in what is now present-day Iran. Since he held a high position with the king it is assumed he lived a comfortable life.
The Book of Nehemiah opens with him hearing that Jerusalem’s walls and gates are broken and in disrepair, “The wall of Jerusalem is broken down, and its gates have been burned with fire.” (Ne 1:3) Being a man who loved the Lord, “I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” (Ne 1:4), rather than dismissing the news and continuing living a content life, Nehemiah petitions the king to allow him to go to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls. Not only was he granted permission, but the king also wrote him letters ensuring safe passage and supplied him with materials needed for the project.
After the walls were repaired Nehemiah wasn’t content. He wasn’t even content to see the people of Israel return to Jerusalem from exile. Nehemiah worked with the priest and scribe Ezra to bring the people back to the Lord their God; Nehemiah 8:2-3, “…Ezra the priest brought the Law before the assembly…He read it aloud from daybreak till noon.”
What lessons can we learn from Nehemiah?
First, a love of God facilitates a great love for others. Nehemiah did not stay where he was comfortable, he did what was necessary to come to the aide of those in distress. He did not abuse his authority but used it to bring the people back and to introduce them to God.
Second, anyone can serve God. Nehemiah was not a scholar; he did not spend hours studying scripture. He was a cup bearer. Many people are led to believe it is only preachers or ministers who can serve God. God can use us with whatever talent or expertise we may have. Any of us can talk of God, any of us can show God to others, any of us can use our lives to demonstrate God to others in need.
Third, we should live our lives to do God’s work. Nehemiah left the palace and travels many miles across the desert. He stood firm against those who opposed his calling to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. He labored along side others to rebuild the walls and gates of Jerusalem. He gave aid to the poor who lived in, and those returning to Jerusalem. And he taught others to love and follow the Lord.
We should not just look to God on Sunday morning; we should love God everyday of the week. Whether we can write or nail two boards together, we should use our abilities to help those in need in the name of God, in honor of God. And we should devote our lives to this endeavor, not just when it’s convenient. Our work for others and God should be a lifestyle and our life’s labor.
Let us praise God for the love he shows us. Let us worship Jesus for the forgiveness he extends to us. And let us thank the Holy Sprit for leading and teaching us. Amen.
Pastor Jim