Jan 2023 Message
1 Kings has a wonderful account of the prophet Elijah and his dealings with the followers of Baal.
Elijah calls the followers of Baal to place a sacrificial bull on an altar. When it was prepared they called on their god to send fire to consume the offering. They called out to Baal repeatedly for several hours and in the end, nothing happened.
Elijah then prepared an altar of twelve stones placed a sacrificial bull on it and then had the entirety doused with water, not once but three times. He then called to the Lord God who sent fire to consume the offering. Not only did the fire consume the animal sacrifice but also the stones, the water and the soil under the altar. An interesting account from a long time ago. How does this relate to us today?
See the followers of Baal worshiping a false god. They are relying on this falsehood to enhance their lives and secure their place in eternity. How many live like this today? Worshiping a false god does not always involve a false deity. How many rely on “New Age” ideas on how to live a good life? How many say “I try.” Or “I’m a good person.” How many today even say that God doesn’t exist.
To those who think like this; like our followers of Baal, no amount of self work, no amount of dedication to false ideas, no amount of acceptance in a false reality will gain them anything. Not one minute in heaven will they earn or secure.
Elijah shows us the reality of God. Believe and accept in your life the one true and perfect sacrifice, Christ at the cross, and God will send his grace and mercy upon you like the fire that consumed Elijah’s sacrifice. And like the fire, God’s grace will consume all the sin in your life.
In our account, the fire consumed everything; there was nothing left, not even the soil under the stones. God’s grace is greater than anything you have or can do.
To those who accept Christ do not fear if you make a mistake, God has forgiven you before you even did it. To those who have not yet accepted Jesus, know that when you ask him to come into you, God gifts you grace and mercy. Nothing you have done in the past is greater than God’s all consuming grace.
“The Lord is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion.”
Psalm 116:5