Heed God's Rebuke

Heed God’s Rebuke                               Isaiah 48:1-11


Isaiah is one of the greatest prophets of old Israel. His book has 66 chapters and chapter 48 resolves around God’s rebuke of mankind, but it also moves beyond it, giving mankind hope. This chapters encourages us to recognize the sovereignty of God and how despite man’s disobedience, he offers mercy and redemption. Now I read just the beginning of this chapter but I’m going to explore the whole chapter.

Verse 1, “Listen to me you who are called by the name of Israel, you take oaths in the name of the Lord, you invoke the God of Israel, but not in truth or righteousness…”

I’ve said how some Christians don’t think the Old Testament is relevant to us, but let’s look at this. This scripture was written to ancient Israel, but the heart and soul of this passage is to all mankind, regardless of what age they live in. Think of this verse in relation to today. It could easily be, “Listen to me you who are called Christian. You follow Christ, you invoke the name of God but not in truth or righteousness.”

If we look back to Isaiah chapter 5, we see some of the sins of the people. Isaiah 5:4, “What more could I have done for my vineyard…when I look for good grapes, it yields only bad.” God did miracles for ancient Israel, yet they were not expanding the kingdom, they weren’t telling the world about God and his love. The people looked at what they perceived as wrong and focused on that. What more could God do for us? He sent his son to die for our salvation, and still many don’t see the glory of Christ. people today still focus on what they see as wrong in the world, they still turn away from God.

Isaiah 5:8, “Woe to you who add house to house and join field to field till no space is left and you are alone in the land.” The people were focused on acquiring more and more, filling their lives with the pursuit of wealth and power and influence to the point it consumed their whole being, ultimately leaving them alone in the midst of what they created.

Look at our world, people are doing the same thing. They’re spending all their energy to acquire power and wealth, and they’re leaving God in their wake. Look at what people idolize and look up to, actors and actresses who are paid millions and live opulent lifestyles while at the same time we ignore the drug use and multiple failed relationships. We look with admiration to the businessman or politician who gains by putting others down, “They’re powerful, they know what they want, they don’t compromise, they don’t let anyone get in their way.” They don’t show compassion and empathy either.

Isaiah 5:11, “Woe to those who rise early to run after their drinks, who stay up late…till they are inflamed with wine.” People today still pursue their own pleasure to the exclusion of all else because they ignore God and the higher purpose he offers.

As I read this, I also thought of those who work from dawn to dusk ignoring their families. I know there are those who need to work long hours to support their families, but I mean those who work long hours at the expense of their families. I work a full-time job at the hospital, I work for all of you too, but even as I do my best to do God’s work and to provide financially for my family, God put it in my heart to be there for my family. I put aside time each week devoted to family, and I let very few things invade or interrupt that time.

Isaiah 5:14, “Therefore, Death expands its jaws…” The word death is capitalized; therefore, it doesn’t mean physical death, it refers to the one who brings total spiritual death; Satan. It could be written this way, “Therefore, Satan opens his arms and welcomes those who live by these vices and without God.”

But back to Isaiah 48. Let’s look at verses 3 & 4, “I foretold the former things long ago; I announced them and made them known…For I knew how stubborn you were.” God tells the Israelites, and all mankind, he is omnipresent. He knows exactly what men would do, exactly what we are doing. More than this, God didn’t just know, he told us these things so we could be forewarned and look to avoid these trappings. How did he warn us? Through everything written in this book, (Bible) especially in Exodus chapter 20, for it’s there we find the Ten Commandments. Everything man does against God and each other has its core foundation in one of the Ten. I chase money and power. “You shall have no other gods above me.” You’re going to hell because of the way you live. “You shall not misuse the name of the Lord.” In our fear and prejudice people forget only God can condemn or save. When we condemn, we are speaking a judgement for God. We are misusing his name.

Again, God is omnipresent. He sees past, present, and future all at the same time. God is sovereign, omnipotent, with power over past, present, and future.

Verse 9, “For my own name’s sake, I delay my wrath; for the sake of my praise, I hold it back from you…” Despite everything we do, for his own glory, God withholds his fury and punishment.

Verse 17, “I am the Lord your God, your Redeemer, who teaches you what is best for you.”

I focus solely on acquiring power and influence at the expense of others. God could crush me for my sin, but he doesn’t. Instead, God patiently gives me the information of his salvation through his Word, or perhaps by sending others into my life. Despite my sin, God patiently waits for me to see the truth of his love and redemption. And he gives me as many chances to do this as I have heartbeats in my life.  And this reveals God’s unfathomable love and the enormity of his grace.

Verse 18, “If you had paid attention to my words, your peace would have been like a river, your well being like the waves of the sea.” Follow God and the peace we find will be as vast and forever as the rivers and oceans.

Verse 20, “Leave Babylon…Announce it with shouts of joy and proclaim it…The Lord has redeemed his servant…”

God invites us to come to him. When we do and we see and feel all the things we gain; grace, peace, comfort, salvation, we will want to tell others about our God, about the joy life has become in him. We will want to tell others about the serenity we have knowing God is leading us through trouble to peace, the elation we have knowing nothing on earth will keep us from paradise in the end.

Verse 21, “…he made water flow from the rock…” Come to God and nothing is beyond his ability to enrich your life.

Finally, Isaiah tells mankind about what awaits those who mock and ignore God; Verse 22, “There is no peace…for the wicked.”

Today, again we see the Old Testament paints a picture of our modern world. It shows us that mankind focuses on what is wrong in this world instead of looking for God’s grace in it. It shows us how mankind idolizes the rich and powerful instead of the humble and godly. It shows us this is because mankind pursues what pleases us instead of what pleases God. This is God’s rebuke for mankind. But Isaiah gives us great hope. God’s patience and glory for us is infinite.

Isaiah chapter 48 challenges us all to reevaluate our faithfulness. It challenges us to trust in God’s plan and promises. This scripture challenges us to leave our spiritual “Babylon,” to leave all those things that keep us from God.


Peace to you all,
















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