April Message
Greetings and God bless,
We are about to finish a journey that started on Christmas. Christmas is the happiest day of the year. The day God stepped out of heaven into humanity as one of humanity to fulfill his promise of redemption and salvation to mankind.
Now we are preparing to celebrate Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday. Good Friday, the day our Lord Jesus gave himself to the cross, the day he who was sinless took our transgressions upon himself and took our punishment. Resurrection Sunday, the day the stone was moved away from the tomb and the living Christ walked out. It is the day we see that God the Father accepted Christ’s perfect sacrifice on our behalf.
Easter Sunday, the day we see the stone pushed aside, The day that our failure to keep the law perfectly will no longer keep us from God, nor keep us in the tomb. Those who have faith, those who believe and trust in our Lord’s sacrifice and the power of God will walk out of the tomb as Christ did. Christians the world over joyfully proclaim that through our faith in Christ the world’s circumstances cannot keep us from the banquet table of heaven.
Please pray with us. We ask God to give comfort and peace to those living in poverty, hope and future to those imprisoned, comfort and uplift to those suffering loss, love and rest to all his church.
Rejoice with us, the new covenant has come, we are seen as righteous in God’s eyes. “This righteousness is given through faith in Jesus Christ to all who believe.” (Rom 3:22).
To those who believe and accept Christ, “…we are heirs-heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ.” (Rom 8:17). Know the Lord’s peace, love and rest for “Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” (Rom 10:13)
God bless,
Pastor Jim Macarille