A Trip to Salvation Romans 3:23
If we read through the four gospels, we can see that in the weeks before his crucifixion Jesus was on a journey toward Jerusalem. During this time Jesus heals a demon possessed boy, he has his transfiguration, Peter declares him the Messiah, he restores a blind man’s sight, and he curses a fig tree. And once in Jerusalem, he empties the Temple court and has his “last supper.”
Each of these events or “stops” on his journey bring him closer to the eventual end; his crucifixion and resurrection. And this journey and the events during it are all used by John to cement the truth that Jesus is
the Messiah, and his death is ordained by God for mankind.
Each of us is also on a journey. We are on a journey of discovery and faith. Whether we are believers, just learning of Christ, or have never given Jesus a serious thought, we can all join together on this journey. We can all learn from this journey as each of the “stops” along the way will bring us closer to understanding, closer to faith, and prayerfully for some, closer to the acceptance of Christ and salvation. And for those who know Jesus you can take others on these same steps as you discuss your faith. And every journey, short or long, begins with the first step. Our first step is Romans 3:23.
In life, it is often true that the first step of change is the hardest. Whether we are starting a journey to a healthy diet, a journey to recovery from addiction, a journey away from a toxic relationship, even a journey to self-discovery and understanding of who you really are, that first step is the hardest because it requires us to admit we have a need and that it necessitates addressing. As I said, the first step on our journey today is Romans 3:23, “For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
For the majority of his life, our son would not believe that his drug use was a problem. Because of this a journey toward recovery could not start.
“The glory of God” If one doesn’t accept and believe that there is a force greater than oneself, if one doesn’t believe that God, the great “I Am.” exists, their journey toward salvation cannot start.
“For all have sinned and fall short…” Jared never believed his drug use caused himself or others harm. When one comes to accept God exists, one must face the reality that our actions affect our relationship with God. One must see that we cannot live up to the expectations and standards of the perfect and holy God.
These two points; accepting a perfect God exists, and that we can never live up to his mandates, are the first steps on our journey to salvation. And they are the hardest steps to take. For those who take these first timid steps, the journey continues.
Our next stop is Romans 6:23, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Looking at Jared again, if he understood his drug use was causing himself harm, he would have seen the solution in sobriety. I know that’s simplifying a difficult problem of drug us but the layers and complexities of a journey to sobriety is for another time.
As to our journey, once we understand our actions have eternal consequences for us, we need to understand the severity of those consequences. Our sin causes us spiritual death, an eternal separation from God. And once one can see this clearly, we can see, and start to understand, that the solution to our sin situation is Jesus Christ.
We need to look closer at this verse, “…the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Life in Christ Jesus; Jesus came to earth, died on a cross for man’s sins, and rose three days later; but this is not enough. Jesus died as payment for sins, but this sacrifice is not universal. It does not apply to you unless you are “in” Christ; that is, unless you accept him as Christ your Lord, accept in into your life, accept his way as your way, accept him as king and Lord with authority over your life. Why, the “why” is the foundation on this journey to salvation. The “why” is our next stop on our journey, John 3:3, “Jesus replied, ‘Very truly I tell you, no one can see the kingdom of God unless they are born again.’” Born again; as we saw a few weeks ago, the definition of Christian is born again. Born again means a spiritual rebirth involving repentance, faith, and acceptance of Christ.
So far, our journey has taken us from those first tentative steps; believing God exists, and believing our actions affect our standing with God, to understanding God’s solution to this through our faith and acceptance of Christ. Now we are well on this journey the Holy Spirit has led us on, and the next stop is John 14:6, the explanation to why we must accept Jesus as Lord to be included in God’s solution for our sin.
John 14:6, “Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’” Direct and simple; Jesus is our path to God the Father. Jesus is the solution to our sin. Jesus is the gate to salvation. The Holy Spirit has led us on this journey to this mountain top, and here at the crest we come face to face with the cross.
We have come a fair distance, from non-believer to Jesus as savior, but we have some traveling yet to do. As we continue, we come to the next stop on our journey; Romans 10, verses 9-11, “If you declare with your mouth ‘Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and ae justified, and it is with your mouth that you profess your faith and are saved.”
“For it is with your heart that you believe…” It’s not enough to just intellectually know Jesus died on the cross. You must believe it is true that he died there for you. Just knowing his death happened does nothing, believing why it happened opens the gate of heaven.
I know Jen loves me. I have faith and trust in that. I don’t need to know where she is every minute of the day. I have faith and trust in Jesus. I may not understand everything, but I know by these I am justified before God.
But now, like on every trail we walk, there is something that may trip us up. On a hiking trail it may be a stone or a root. On this spiritual voyage, it is this verse; “If you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord…”
Oh no, I’m not coming up to the front of the church in front of everyone, I’m not standing on the street corner warning people of hell.
To declare with your mouth is not to deny Jesus to others. Oh, you believe in Jesus. Eh, yeah, well, I guess. Matthew 10:33 says, “Whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my Father in heaven.” Oh, you believe in Jesus. Yes, yes I do.
And now, for those who have made this journey thus far, we come to the end; Revelation 3:20, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.”
If one has made it this far; knowing God exists, knowing our sin affects your relationship with God for eternity, understanding Jesus is God’s solution to your sin, and it’s faith in him that opens the gate of heaven to you, now having faith and trust, having belief in your hearts and Jesus name on your lips, Jesus is knocking on your door. And Jesus promises everyone that if you get to the end of this journey, he is there, and you will not be turned away. If we make this journey, we will be with Jesus in heaven and we will eat with him. We will celebrate God’s grace at his own table.
Lent is the season for deliberation and study on God. During this season, spend time contemplating your journey to salvation. And if anyone has questions about their journey, please see me.
May the power of the cross and the grace of God always be with you